NanoMicro Satellite Solar Array

The solar array, as the main power source for the satellite, is primarily composed of the substrate and high-efficiency space-grade solar cells. It directly converts space sunlight into electrical energy to power the satellite.

The 30% efficiency space-grade triple-junction solar cell is made of GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction cells, silicon bypass diodes, interconnects, and radiation-resistant glass covers. The crystal performance meets the requirements of GJB 7392-2011 and ECSS-E-ST-20-0BC standards, and has advantages such as high photoelectric conversion efficiency and good radiation resistance.


Dimensions/mm80.15   ×40.1530.4   ×40.160.6   ×40.1
Weight(125   ± 12)mg/cm2
Radiation-resistant Glass CoverKFB   120
Open Circuit Voltage2720   mV
Short Circuit Current Density17.2   mA/cm2
Best Operating Point Voltage2430   mV
Best Operating Point Current Density16.6   mA/cm2
Conversion Efficiency(1353W/m2)30%
Radiation Degradation (1MeV,1 ×10^15 e/cm2)
lm/lmo=0.92;  VmNmo=0.90;    Pm/Pmo =0.83
Temperature Coefficient△Vm=-6.5mV/℃;△lm=9.0μA/cm2/℃