5m Resolution Optical Camera


  • Ground ResolutionPanchromatic: 5m@630km
    Multispectral: 10m@630km
  • Swath Width37km@630km
  • Imaging ModeTDI linear array push-broom imaging
  • Spectral RangeP: 450~700nm
    B1: 430~520nm; B2: 520~610nm
    B3: 610~690nm; B4: 700~900nm
  • Focal Length575mm
  • Aperture85mm
  • Field of View4.54°
  • Quantization12bit
  • Pixel Size and QuantityPanchromatic: 4.6×4.6μm, 1 chip
    Multispectral: 9.2×9.2μm, 4 bands × 1 chip
  • Average Static MTF0.08
  • Dimensions117×172×233(mm)
  • Power Consumption25W
  • Weight2kg
  • Design Life5 years