SpaceX's Starship rocket left the launch pad this morning, but ended in a fireball a few minutes later when the first and second stages failed to separate. The combination exploded — what is humorously referred to as a Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly or RUD. Nevertheless, SpaceX cheered the milestones they did achieve — getting off the launch pad and through a critical point called maximum dynamic pressure or Max Q. The FAA says it will oversee the investigation into what went wrong and determine when Starship can return to flight from a public safety perspective.
USPACE International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and USPACE Technology Group Limited (USPACE) will jointly launch the "Hundred-Satellite Exhibition."
ASPACE Malaysia Advanced Manufacturing Factory, MSPACE, has commenced operations successfully.
China conducted the debut flight of its Long March 8A carrier rocket on Tuesday afternoon, transporting a group of satellites to space.